
Echoes of Trauma: The Lingering Health Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse Throughout the Life-course

In this scoping review, my research partner Imani Conway and I sought to systematically explore the profound and long-lasting health impacts of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) on women. By synthesizing an extensive range of studies, we aimed to highlight the varied ways CSA affects health across the lifespan. Our findings indicate that CSA is linked to numerous chronic health conditions, including gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases, reproductive health issues, and psychiatric disorders. Additionally, CSA survivors face increased risks for chronic pain, maladaptive health behaviors, and socioeconomic challenges, such as diminished educational and economic outcomes. We hope this work underscores the urgent need for trauma-informed care in healthcare systems, prioritizing prevention, early intervention, and provider education to better meet the needs of CSA survivors. This research is a call to action for both healthcare providers and policymakers to address the pervasive effects of CSA on women’s long-term health and quality of life.